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More than 30 years of creating cutting edge,

engaging and impactful learning and training experiences.


We are technologists, educators, and instructional designers with over 30 years of experience developing advanced learning and training solutions for millions of people in 50 countries and 35 languages. 


​We are developing educational and training programs for healthcare, cyber security, quantum security, STEAM, and more. 


Compedia applies technologies like visual computing, augmented reality, virtual reality, advanced systems, AI, instructional design, and UX in its learning solutions. 


We have collaborations and partnerships with leading universities, such as Cambridge in the UK, Karolinska Institute in Sweden, where the Nobel prizes are awarded, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and Bar Ilan University in Israel. 


Among the companies and organizations that we developed education or training software for are Siemens, Intel, National Geographic, the European Union, and Albert Einstein hospital in Sao Paulo. 

Collaborations and partnerships with leading universities

Siemens company logo
National Geographic company logo
The Hebrew University Jerusalem logo
cambridge university logo
bar ilan university logo
Karolinska Institutet logo
Intel company logo

Companies and organizations using our cutting-edge Technologies


Forbes Magazine

"Intel estimates a 300 percent ROI potential on the VR course (developed by Compedia) and 94 percent of trainees surveyed asked that more VR courses be made available, demonstrating the demand for this type of training."
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